welcome to the mind of jaleal
from dusk to dawn the chaos continues
kir kir


Our purpose in life is to die
January 5th 2018 my dad died
It hurt so much, it’s still hard to think about and accept but when I saw him in the hospital bed a week prior, with a bunch of needles in him and only breathing with the help of a machine, I knew what was to come and prepared myself mentally then, towards the end of 2017 I begin to be groomed with the idea of quick death, the random deaths of musician Lil Peep and hip hop/podcast legend Combat Jack helped me understand that death is going to happen, no matter how old or how young, no matter how healthy or how unhealthy. We all are going to die. But with the passing of my dad I realized the true purpose, not just that we’re here to die, we’re are here to CREATE and BUILD, whither it be creating art, a business, or just a family, with that we build on so that when we do come to our untimely demise, we leave something to continue our legacy or to inspire the next.. My dad created a family and when he passed he left us with great memories and lessons, what do you want to leave? I’m not telling you to dwell on death but in your life make a decision of what you want to leave this world.
alway remember
“We get the day that we’re born, we get the day that we die, but what really matters is the dash”
[you decide]
so when you die

I wear a broken watch on my right wrist to remind myself that time isn’t real. Time is an idea made up centuries ago.
“Time is the continued sequence of existence and events that occurs in an apparently irreversible succession from the past, through the present, into the future”
All words put together to make you think that time is important, but it isn’t, to me. The idea of time is looked at as something that is on going, but the idea of time for a human being is looked at as a calculation with an ending. As humans we are reminded that our time is something small, we all know that one day we’re born, the beginning of our time on earth, and that we all will die, the ending of our time on earth. But I can’t allow that to be the case, I can’t trick my mind to believe that is true. The broken watch or broken clock is the reminder that I have all the time in the world to do whatever I want, to not worry or linger on the thought that time is coming to an end at any moment. I have to remind myself to use my allotted “time” in the physical realm to build, create, and leave something that will continue my time in this realm, even if it’s just memories with loved ones, a business to pass down, or just children to continue my lineage, that which will keep my time going and my presence felt. A dynasty is what you make and I will die nasty trying to make it. Thank you for your time

remember melting at the concert
that lysergic feeling
conjoined by our hands
every song meant something
today is ours
the pit opens
beams of piercing light blasts through the roof
general admission bodies levitate
energy of mass proportion flows through the room
souls begin to elevate
we lock eyes
concerned of our fate
not knowing our first would be our last date
the cloud that has us lifted disappears
in times like this we’d have more fears
but we’ve accepted the possibilities
a love that lasts
a hope that’s asked
a night that’s endless
a love capsule you have to dig for
life is just
a broken clock
my girl is a free bird
no can’t lock her cage
my girl likes to fly high
her wings can’t be contained
my heart sings like a hummingbird
when my girl shows her love
my girl is a free bird
take flight from this world
To the girl in the black dress,
That tiny black dress
Face so careless with a mind full of stress
Rapunzel hair braided but it’s still a mess
Penny brown iris, with prime color lipstick
Skin so smooth, petite, butt thick;
Everything about her brings temptation
To the girl in the black dress
thrifted dress
Spring time in bloom
The ending of all gloom
The beauty that is picked
And given to you
Two lovely flowers
To bless my view
One is a daffodil
and one is you

pierce through
you can make it better
the world don’t need to know
the joy that you can bring
no rope can take your place
a quick fall from grace
fiending for your touch
please help me